Mini honey lemon Cake
Mini Honey Lemon Cake is a mini cake, good size Soft beef with honey and lemon scent Topped with sweet and creamy glaze Is the perfect combination.

Honey Lemon Cake Ingredients (for 6)
- Cake Flour 75 g
- 25 grams of vegetable oil
- 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
- Cold water 20 g
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 30 grams of lemon juice
- Milk powder 7 g
- 15 g honey
- 1 lemon zest
- eggs 60 g
- 70 grams granulated sugar
- Evaporated ufabet milk 20 g
- 45 grams unsalted butter
- A little unsalted butter and cake flour
- Preheat the oven to the top and bottom to 170 degrees Celsius. Prepare the pan by spreading butter over the pan. Tap the dough to stick it all over the pan.
- Sift cake flour, baking powder, salt and milk powder together, set aside.
- Beat unsalted butter with granulated sugar and grated lemon zest. Use the leaf beater to smooth it together and add vegetable oil. Continue to beat well.
- Mix cold water, lemon juice and evaporated milk into the mixture. Keep beating until all ingredients are fully combined. Then add eggs and honey. Continue to beat
- Pour 3/4 of the pans into the oven for 30-40 minutes until cooked, set aside a few minutes and face off the pans.
Ingredients and how to make Royal G laze.
- Fresh Milk 15 g
- 50 grams of ising sugar
- Stir the ingredients until smooth. Topped on the cake that was cooked and cooled. Let it set and dry, ready to serve.