How to deal with constipation What pregnant mothers need to know
How to deal with constipation. What pregnant mothers need to know.

Constipation can happen to almost every pregnant mother, especially as the pregnancy progresses, it is easy to become constipated. If a pregnant mother experiences constipation, it will cause discomfort. Especially if it is during the later stages of pregnancy, it will feel even more uncomfortable than before.
This is because the uterus has enlarged and pressed on the large intestine, causing the digestive system to not function properly. including the effects of hormonal changes Therefore causing the intestinal function to change. As a result, constipation makes bowel movement more difficult.
Therefore, pregnant mothers should know the causes and methods to help relieve symptoms in order to take care of themselves properly during pregnancy. and avoid problems with excretion
Is constipation during pregnancy dangerous?
Constipation during pregnancy is not harmful to health. ทางเข้า ufabet But sometimes constipation can be a sign of another problem. That can be dangerous if constipation is combined with other abnormal symptoms such as abdominal pain, alternating constipation and diarrhea continuously. Stool with mucus or blood
Additionally, bowel movements that are more difficult due to constipation can cause hemorrhoids. There may be bleeding. and cause the mother to feel pain in the anal area But most will get better and recover on their own after giving birth. But if the illness is more severe or there is a lot of bleeding in the rectal area You should see a doctor quickly for the safety of the mother and fetus.
How to take care of yourself to avoid constipation
As with constipation in other people, constipation can be relieved with lifestyle and dietary changes. Can be done as follows
– Eat food that has more fiber. Adding fiber-rich foods to your diet stimulates the digestive system and helps relieve constipation. You should eat at least 25-30 grams of fiber per day from vegetables, fruits, or whole grains, such as prunes, guava, spinach, almonds.
– Drink lots of water. Drinking enough water helps the fibers work more and has a positive effect on the elimination of waste from the body. It also helps mothers get enough water to meet their body’s needs. Because the mother’s body needs more fluid during pregnancy. To help in the blood circulation of the mother and the fetus.
– Exercise regularly Mothers who exercise less are at greater risk of constipation. Therefore, even if you are pregnant, you should regularly exercise gently by walking, swimming, yoga, or exercising as appropriate under the guidance of a doctor at least 3 times a week, 20-30 minutes each time, to stimulate the functioning of the intestinal system.
– Consult your doctor about using iron supplements. This is because taking iron supplements is one of the causes of constipation in mothers who are severely constipated. Consulting your doctor to adjust your iron dosage And emphasize eating foods that are high in iron sufficient to meet the body’s needs during pregnancy. This is another way to help reduce constipation.
– Add foods that contain probiotics. Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms that live in the human body. Many scientific data suggest that probiotics have a positive effect on intestinal function and bowel movement. This may help reduce bloating, diarrhea, constipation, and gastritis by balancing the microbial flora in the intestines.
– Use medicine under the guidance of a doctor. If constipation is not relieved by the above methods. Mothers may use certain medications commonly available at pharmacies to help relieve constipation, such as fiber powder, which has properties that help with the work of the intestinal tract and reduce constipation. But you should consult a doctor before use for safety.